
Silver Jewellery : What You Should Know

Silver jewellery is often cherished, from rings to necklaces to bracelets and earrings. Silver jewellery is also perfect in complementing diamonds or contrasting with a ruby. But, how do you prevent the jewellery from tarnishing? What is plated jewellery, and sterling silver? And is there anything you should be looking for when you buy it?

Because most sterling silver is combined with copper, which tarnishes, tarnishing happens with the silver as well. Silver jewellery usually tarnishes to a light gold, but can often tarnish to bronze or even black- also staining your hands.
Some silver jewellery is finished with Rhodium, though, which is a type of platinum metal. Rhodium is also often used in finishing white gold. Rhodium-finished silver jewellery tends to have a whiter, brighter color than the silvery gray color of normal silver jewellery. Some manufacturers also use platinum as the alloy metal in creating sterling silver jewellery, which also prevents tarnishing (but the price is significantly more expensive.) If you are a fan of the brighter look of platinum, these are great choices, as they are not as expensive as solid platinum.
Storing jewellery is one of the bigger questions people have. The environment is key here, as the metals in the jewellery react with it. Exposure to water, light and air aids the tarnishing process. With proper storage, you can slow down this process considerably.

